Showing posts with label Fashion Icons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Icons. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dinner with the Chassids

Adoring fans, I must apologize. I've been going through a very dark period in my life for a variety of reasons and withdrew from the blogosphere as a result. You see, last year my agent informed me that Persian cats are no longer in vogue in the pussycat modeling world and I've been struggling to re-invent my career and way of being.

As the venerable Mistress of Beauty, Fashion, Victoria's Secret Angeldom and Supermodeldom Heidi Klum says every time on her show Project Runway, "In Fashion, You Eida In, or you Out!" Because German, as everyone knows, is the international language of fashion! But please don't tell that to the French, because that will get you into hot water!

Well, I've been struggling with this for a year. The girls at Kitty Wigs, who specialize in short haired fashion models of the pussy cat world - you know, like the pretty Siamese and domestic short haired pussy cats have been giving me a real run for my money with their kitty wigs, pictorials and poses.

Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs by Julie Jackson, photographed by Jill Johnson

As you can see, some of these short haired girls have serious talent, but I can't, as a long furred Persian cat, change my tiger stripes or my trademarked mane. I am who I am and I can only adapt. Unemployment is high, print shoots are becoming a bit more scarce, advertising in the fashion magazines are down and the Kindle is replacing the printed book -- so all of these issues have been a major factor in the stalling of what is, a budding career as a supermodel! I am determined to succeed and refuse to let the whims of fashion and economic factors dictate casting decisions and my career aspirations. After all, this is my life! I was born to be a budding supermodel in the pussycat world among other things like singing soul music, starring in the movies, creating a top selling fashion brand and writing a hot newsletter for fashion addicts, pussy cat lovers and hipsters who love satire, irony and comedy!

All of this led to me the Chabad House of East Hampton last Friday for Shabbat services. I needed to get some "religion" and bring me closer to G-d to give me hope and a bit of solace. You see, to paraphrase President Obama's famous April 2008 quote when he was on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, "When things get tough, they cling to their guns and their order to explain their frustrations."

Well, President Obama, I have news for you - I don't cling to guns but find spiritual awakenings and solace in G-d to be something that is very nurturing for me. Your wife Michelle may think she's some kind of "fashion icon", but every up and coming, nascent fashion designer that she's worn has gone straight out of business. So much for your star power and your husbands economic policies! The New York Times even made a point of this in an article about Michelle's style.

Michelle Obama's Fashion Disaster "Victory" dress by Narcisso Rodriguez

My Mistress of Beauty and Adventure was a big fan of Tracey Feith - and as soon as Michelle wore his dresses, the poor designer went out of business. Contrary to what you may think about your wife, Barack Obama, fashion icon or NOT, Michelle Obama really is the kiss of death for talented fashion designers.

Michelle Obama in Tracey Feith (RIP Fabulous Fashion Brand!)

Back to Chabad House, Hats and Chassidic style -- the interesting thing is that Chabadnics cannot take their hats off in public. This is just one of the 613 commandments that we as Jews are instructed to do in deference to our G-d. That rule is for the men only...but we're here to talk about fashion so I shouldn't digress anymore. Chabad people tend to dress in a very specific way....which almost always includes a Borsolino hat. The one that the Chassids wear is very similar to the Ombra model pictured here:

These hats are not inexpensive -- the Ombra model is made of pure fur felt and is available for $375.00 at the J.J. Hat Center of New York - New York's oldest hat shop established in 1911 which located at 310 Fifth Avenue. They also sell other really cool brands of hats and are well worth checking out in person or via their catalogue or online store.

The Chassidic look is quite unique -- so much so that Jean Paul Gaultier memorialized this look on the couture runway a few years back as an ode to Chassidic Jews entitled, "Rabbi Chic" in the Fall/Winter collections of 1993/1994 in Paris. Check out the videos!! Some people thought this was done as a nasty jab, others saw the beauty in it. I myself, see it as interesting inspiration from a designer perspective. After all, Jean Paul Gaultier wants to sell beautiful clothes and Chassidics have a very unique style all unto their own!

Jean Paul Gaultier - "Rabbi Chic" collection Fall/Winter 1993/1994 - Part I

Jean Paul Gaultier - "Rabbi Chic" collection, Fall Winter 1993/1994 - Part II

Which brings me to another topic, my Mistress of Beauty and Adventure's former hero, John Galliano.

John Galliano was a brilliant fashion designer for Mistresses of Beauty and Adventure, Mistresses of the Masters of the Universe and anyone who knows anything about French fashion. The problem is that he was drunk and made some very nasty comments in public about Jews that were highly illegal and less than flattering.

I don't know whether you've seen the press, but it landed John Galliano straight into the unemployment line (he was fired from Christian Dior, denounced by Christian Dior's beautiful, elegant and multi-talented Jewish spokesmodel, Natalie Portman), sent straight to celebrity rehab and had to appear in a French Court!

My other bible is called Women's Wear Daily. It is known in the fashion industry as "Fashion's Bible" as it is the leading authority on all things fashion! In a recent issue, Women's Wear Daily reported that John claimed he was under too much pressure from his collections and that's why he said he "Loved Hitler". I don't know pussy cats.....but I think that alcohol is a form of truth serum. But I'll let you decide for yourselves! You can blame the system all you want, but as an adult, one must take responsibility for one's behavior!

To get the look of Chabad or just to be chic, please visit J.J. Hats of 310 Fifth Avenue. It's a fashion insider place that only I, Natasha Finkel, can fill you in on! You can always buy Jean Paul Gaultier at Bergdorf Goodman, Barneys and any other hip specialty store. Or, you can visit his designer atelier in Paris if you're up for a transatlantic trip! Purrs and kisses! xoxo